Awarded the honor of "Jinli Innovation Project" at the National Technical Standard Innovation Base


On October 25th, the National Technical Standards Innovation Base (Dairy Industry) (NSID) 2023 Annual Conference and the Third Technical Seminar were held in Beijing. Hongmo Biotechnology has been awarded the honor of National Technical Standard Innovation Base (Dairy) Jinli Innovation Project, fully demonstrating Hongmo Biotechnology's outstanding strength in research and development innovation and industrial transformation in the field of biosynthesis technology, and making significant contributions to promoting the standardization and high-quality development of China's dairy industry.

The National Technical Standards Innovation Base (Dairy Industry) (hereinafter referred to as the Dairy Industry Innovation Base) is a platform for promoting the development of standards and technological innovation in the dairy industry. In order to implement the National Standardization Development Outline and play the role of an innovation base, the Dairy Innovation Base, in conjunction with the National Food Industry Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC64), the National Food Quality Control and Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC313), the National Food Nutrition and Health Management Standardization Working Group (SAC/SWG25), the National Food Fermentation Standardization Center and other units, jointly carried out the selection activity of the second Jinli Project, Intended to showcase and promote advanced innovative technologies and standards in the industry, in order to further enhance the innovation level of dairy technology and standards, and promote the high-quality development of China's dairy industry.

The project of "Microbial Fermentation Method for Preparation of 2 '- Fucosylactose (2' - FL) and Its Industrialization Application" applied by Hongmo Biotechnology has outstanding innovative strength and industrialization achievements. After three rounds of formal review, expert letter review, and expert joint review (defense), it successfully stood out among 73 applied projects and won the honor of Jinli Innovation Project.

Hongmo Biotechnology is a leading national biopharmaceutical enterprise with advanced synthetic biology technology. The company focuses on developing synthetic biology methods and applying them to large-scale production. Currently, Hongmo Biotechnology has established a large-scale biological resource engineering platform and accumulated rich experience in biosynthesis, intelligent design of high-performance cell factories, and large-scale production of products. Hongmo Biotechnology has always been committed to promoting innovation and development in biotechnology, providing high-quality products and services to global customers.

The award of the National Technology Standard Innovation Base (Dairy Industry) Jinli Innovation Project Certificate by Hongmo Biotechnology not only highly affirms the outstanding achievements of the enterprise in HMO product technology research and industrial application, but also praises our consistent spirit of innovation, industrial transformation ability, and social responsibility.

Hongmo Biotechnology has turned its scientific research strength into confidence, actively promoted the implementation of the nutrition leading strategy, led the development of the industrial chain, and promoted the industrialization of scientific research achievements. The vision of Hongmo Biotechnology is to become a leading enterprise in the industry, leading the Chinese biosynthesis industry to the world stage, and contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to the development of global biosynthesis technology!