Scientific Consensus on Breast Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs): Heavily Released


Rainbow Bio, as the only domestic raw material company in China, participated in the formulation and release of the "Scientific Consensus on Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Consensus") and attended the release conference organized by the China Food Science and Technology Society in Beijing on July 18, 2023.

Academician Chen Junshi from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chief Advisor of the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, Professor Shao Wei, Executive Vice Chairman of the China Food Science and Technology Society, Professor Luo Yunbo, Honorary Vice Chairman of the China Food Science and Technology Society and Professor at Beijing Technology and Business University, Professor Zhang Yumei, Distinguished Professor at the School of Public Health, Peking University, Professor Zhang Lanwei, Director of the Functional Dairy and Probiotic Engineering Research Lab at Ocean University of China, Professor Liu Long, Dean of the School of Bioengineering at Jiangnan University, Researcher Zhang Jianbo, Director of Standard Room Three at the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, and Researcher Huang Jian from the Nutrition and Health Institute of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as experts from the drafting workgroup, enterprises, and media representatives attended the release conference.

At the conference, detailed interpretations were given on the current status and safety of human milk oligosaccharides, the nutritional necessity of HMOs, production technology and applications of HMOs, and an overview of the regulatory management of HMOs in some countries and regions.

Professor Shao Wei, Executive Vice Chairman of the China Food Science and Technology Society, stated in her address that while HMOs have been marketed in most countries globally, they have not yet been approved in China. As infant formula mainly uses animal milk as raw material, especially cow's milk, which has very little content of human milk oligosaccharides, it is necessary to add HMOs to infant formula.

In order to promote the application and industrial development of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in China, and to benefit consumers as soon as possible, continuous provision of high-quality products to consumers is needed to promote high-quality development in the industry. Based on this consensus concept, the China Food Science and Technology Society organized relevant experts and industry representatives from different professional fields such as food science, medicine, clinical nutrition, and standard regulations to make a systematic scientific summary on human milk oligosaccharides' basic research, safety and functionality, industrialization status, domestic and foreign management situations, etc., through extensive and in-depth discussions, leading to the formation of the "Consensus."

It is hoped that through the "Consensus," scientific support will be provided for the approval of human milk oligosaccharides, promoting their application and research, while providing authoritative guidance for consumers to scientifically understand human milk oligosaccharides.

Regarding the future development of human milk oligosaccharides, Professor Shao Wei, Executive Vice Chairman of the Society, put forward three suggestions:

1. Accelerate the approval of human milk oligosaccharides.

2. Strengthen research and application of human milk oligosaccharides.

3. Promote scientific popularization of human milk oligosaccharides. As human milk oligosaccharides have not yet been approved for marketing in China, consumers lack scientific understanding of them. It is hoped that starting from the release of the "Consensus," the application and innovative development of human milk oligosaccharides in China will be promoted to truly benefit consumers. At the end of the meeting, Academician Chen Junshi hosted a media interaction session, where several media reporters asked questions regarding the safety, application, and future development of human milk oligosaccharides. Professors Luo Yunbo, Zhang Yumei, Zhang Lanwei, and Researcher Huang Jian respectively answered questions concerning how to choose products with added HMOs, the safety of HMOs, industrial applications, and the regulatory management situation in China.

In the future, Rainbow Bio is willing to keep pace with the industry's development, take the initiative to undertake the mission of biological "intelligent" creation and local innovation, dedicate itself to independent innovation and industrial implementation, assist China in overtaking in the fourth industrial revolution, and lead the industry to steady development!